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How vouchers harm public schools
Studies Reports and Data Hilary Wething Studies Reports and Data Hilary Wething

How vouchers harm public schools

The growing popularity of vouchers raises a host of crucial questions and concerns. Key to informing the debate are questions of public finance and education quality. Is allowing public money to leave the public school system and follow kids to private schools the most effective or equitable way to make sure every child has access to an excellent education? Our view is that it’s not. Public dollars allocated to education should go to boosting spending in public systems, not subsidizing private education.

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Florida Private Education Vouchers Cost $4 Billion This School Year
Studies Reports and Data Public Funds Public Schools Studies Reports and Data Public Funds Public Schools

Florida Private Education Vouchers Cost $4 Billion This School Year

Florida is already deeply underfunding its public schools. The state sits at the bottom of the national school funding rankings in ELC’s Making the Grade 2024 report, scoring grades of ‘F’ for funding level, for inequitable distribution of that funding, and for funding effort. As funding for private education vouchers has increased, it is consuming an ever larger portion of overall taxpayer funds directed to education, increasing from 12% of public funds spent on education in 2021-22 to 23% this year.

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Arizona’s ‘universal’ education savings account program has become a handout to the wealthy
Studies Reports and Data Jamie Klinenberg, Jon Valant, and Nicolas Zerbino Studies Reports and Data Jamie Klinenberg, Jon Valant, and Nicolas Zerbino

Arizona’s ‘universal’ education savings account program has become a handout to the wealthy

Amid a wave of legislation that created or expanded private-school choice programs across the country, Robert Enlow, the President/CEO of EdChoice, dubbed 2023 as “the year of universal choice.” Enlow wasn’t wrong. Universal eligibility is the defining trend in recent private school choice reforms. For decades, private-school choice programs (like vouchers) provided funds only to certain families—e.g., families with low household income or a child with a disability. Recently, however, Republican lawmakers have created or expanded private-school choice programs to allow nearly all students, regardless of their individual need, access to public funding to attend private schools.

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Decoupling Property and Education
Studies Reports and Data Nicole Stelle Garnett Studies Reports and Data Nicole Stelle Garnett

Decoupling Property and Education

The first step in stopping the privatization movement is to understand it. This report takes up where our 2018 report left off. Not only do we grade the states based on their willingness to commit exclusively or primarily to democratically governed public schools open to all, but their willingness to put sufficient guardrails and limits on publicly-funded alternatives to ensure that taxpayers, students, and families are protected from discrimination, corruption and fraud in the programs they have.

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Public Schooling in America: Measuring Each State's Commitment to Democratically Governed Schools.
Studies Reports and Data Network for Public Education Studies Reports and Data Network for Public Education

Public Schooling in America: Measuring Each State's Commitment to Democratically Governed Schools.

The first step in stopping the privatization movement is to understand it. This report takes up where our 2018 report left off. Not only do we grade the states based on their willingness to commit exclusively or primarily to democratically governed public schools open to all, but their willingness to put sufficient guardrails and limits on publicly-funded alternatives to ensure that taxpayers, students, and families are protected from discrimination, corruption and fraud in the programs they have.

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Let the Illinois “Invest in Kids” Private School Voucher Law Sunset
Studies Reports and Data Public Funds Public Schools Studies Reports and Data Public Funds Public Schools

Let the Illinois “Invest in Kids” Private School Voucher Law Sunset

Illinois’ “Invest in Kids” tax credit voucher program is set to sunset after the 2023-2024 school year. This unpopular pilot program should lapse as intended in the law. Illinois should reject any attempt to extend the program or make it permanent, as well as any proposal to establish additional voucher programs. Instead, the state must invest in its underfunded public schools, which, unlike private schools, welcome and serve all students.

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