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A Conversation with ELC Senior Fellow Josh Cowen, Author of The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers (October 2024):
Personal Narratives Blogs Webinars Public Funds Public Schools and Joshua Cowen Personal Narratives Blogs Webinars Public Funds Public Schools and Joshua Cowen

A Conversation with ELC Senior Fellow Josh Cowen, Author of The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers (October 2024):

This PFPS webinar features Dr. Josh Cowen, Education Law Center Senior Fellow and professor of education policy at Michigan State University, in conversation with Maria Bautista of the NYU Metro Center about his new book, The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold Vouchers. The book provides a deep-dive investigation into education privatization covering a range of topics, including the origins of private school vouchers and the network of billionaire conservatives who have converged around the issue. It also highlights how vouchers are failing students and exacerbating income inequality, arguing that the advancement of privatization policies is an assault on public education as a defining American institution.

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Secret recording shows pressure on Republican lawmakers to vote for school vouchers
Personal Narratives Blogs Webinars Phil Williams Personal Narratives Blogs Webinars Phil Williams

Secret recording shows pressure on Republican lawmakers to vote for school vouchers

Another secret recording obtained by NewsChannel 5 Investigates reveals how Tennessee lawmakers are facing pressure to send your tax dollars to the state's private schools.

In the recording, the lead lobbyist for a well-financed group lobbying for school vouchers warns a reluctant lawmaker that his job could be at stake if he doesn't vote the way she wants him to vote.

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Welcome to the GOP's new education agenda: Loot our public schools for private vouchers
Draining Funds From Public Education Gov. Roy Cooper and Gov. Andy Beshear Draining Funds From Public Education Gov. Roy Cooper and Gov. Andy Beshear

Welcome to the GOP's new education agenda: Loot our public schools for private vouchers

In North Carolina and Kentucky, public schools are the center of our communities. We’re proud public school graduates ourselves – and we know the critical role our schools play in teaching our students, strengthening our workforces and growing our economies.

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Indiana's Choice: A new documentary about education in Indiana
Personal Narratives Blogs Webinars Indiana Coalition for Public Education Personal Narratives Blogs Webinars Indiana Coalition for Public Education

Indiana's Choice: A new documentary about education in Indiana

School choice has had troubling consequences for the Indiana K-12 public school system. Indiana’s Choice brings forward the voices of teachers, students, administrators, and parents to examine how school choice enables segregation of students and discrimination against students, families, and school employees.

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Ohio Lawsuit (NBC4)
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Ohio Lawsuit (NBC4)

A growing number of school districts are joining a lawsuit against the state, pushing back against private school vouchers. The lawsuit was filed last year and is awaiting trial.

“Vouchers are going on trial,” Dayton Public Schools board member Jocelyn Rhynard said. “And we will make our case in the court of law, where the law matters, and the constitution cannot be ignored.”

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The School Vouchers Scam Video</a>
The Parents' Campaign Research and Education Fund The Parents' Campaign Research and Education Fund

The School Vouchers Scam Video

The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund created this video which demonstrates the different ways school voucher programs are scams.

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What to Know about Invest in Kids: Illinois' tax credit voucher program</a>
Undermining Public Education Illinois Families for Public Schools Undermining Public Education Illinois Families for Public Schools

What to Know about Invest in Kids: Illinois' tax credit voucher program

Voucher plans are sweeping the country, transferring public funds to private schools. Many Illinois residents don't realize we have a voucher program right here in the form of a tax credit "scholarship" program, known as Invest in Kids.

Our expert panel looks at this national trend, examines the research on student achievement in voucher schools, gives a glimpse of the impact of vouchers on students in our neighboring state of Indiana, and presents important information about Invest in Kids.

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PA’s EITC and OSTC Training </a>Module
Types of Vouchers Education Voters of Pennsylvania Types of Vouchers Education Voters of Pennsylvania

PA’s EITC and OSTC Training Module

Education Voters of Pennsylvania developed a series of modules on school funding topics for advocates. The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) module includes a video, handouts, activities and a mini quiz to check for understanding and certify your completion of the course. Most should take less than ½ hour to complete and you can work at your own pace.

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Something to Lose: How School Voucher Programs Fail to Provide Civil Rights and Constitutional Protections</a>
Discrimination Public Funds Public Schools Discrimination Public Funds Public Schools

Something to Lose: How School Voucher Programs Fail to Provide Civil Rights and Constitutional Protections

This webinar features Dr. Preston Green, Professor of Educational Leadership and Law at the University of Connecticut and the John and Maria Neag Professor of Urban Education at the Neag School. Dr. Green has extensive knowledge of education law and has published numerous articles and book chapters on legal and policy issues related to educational access and school privatization. Dr. Green discusses school voucher programs and how these programs fail to provide civil rights and constitutional protections to students. He also discusses protections for students participating in voucher programs.

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