Tax Avoidance Continues to Fuel School Privatization Efforts


One of the most disturbing recent shifts in U.S. public policy has been the renewed push to privatize the nation’s K-12 education system.[1] Originally born out of a desire to preserve school segregation and racial inequality more broadly, the so-called “school choice” movement is enjoying a resurgence as many state lawmakers look for ways to move more kids into private and religious schools.[2] That end is being hastened through the tax code in major ways. In short, school privatization proponents have managed to set up state policies that harness deficiencies in federal tax law and the self-interest of wealthy families to gin up enthusiasm for privatizing the U.S. public education system.


Feasibility of implementing new non-discrimination requirements for Invest in Kids voucher schools


School vouchers are big in Arizona and Florida, but Tennessee should not follow suit