Parents and caregivers, you can join the movement to safeguard public education against voucher programs. Voucher programs threaten to dilute the quality of your children's education. Our public schools are cornerstones of our communities that prepare children for their unique futures. By attending school board meetings and connecting with organizations that champion equitable education, you can help ensure our schools remain robust and inclusive for every student. Let's stand up for a future where our children's education is enriched, not undermined, by our collective action. Here are some resources to help you get started.
The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund School Choice Myth 2 Graphic
Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search charter scandals by state and by 12 categories. You can also search by keyword. Just use the ‘X’ to clear search terms and return to the full list of scandals.
The National Coalition for Public Education has compiled a series of fact sheets on school voucher programs.
This webpage from Public Funds Public Schools is a useful tool for policy makers to filter through research on school voucher programs.
The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund provides a myth vs. truth about the impact of school voucher programs.
The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund provides a state by state snapshot on voucher programs impact on student achievement.
This National Education Association fact sheet sheds some light on Milwaukee’s school voucher programs. The research shows voucher schools are smaller than non-voucher private schools. They’re often financially distressed schools with high failure rates, and lower initial school quality indicators. A substantial portion of voucher schools are start-ups that did not exist before taxpayer support.
In recent months, state legislatures across the country have broadened efforts to subsidize private school tuition with taxpayer dollars. New proposals for these programs—collectively called school vouchers—have appeared in more than a dozen states and passed as major priorities for Republican governors like Kim Reynolds in Iowa and Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Arkansas. Since 2021, Arizona, Florida, Utah and West Virginia have also created or expanded voucher plans. Meanwhile, a handful states like Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio and Wisconsin have run voucher programs for years. But do school vouchers actually work? We need to focus on what research shows, and what that means for kids moving forward.
In this video Save Our Schools Arizona outlines the truth about the Empowerment Scholarship Account voucher program.