Toolkits and guides can help oppose private school voucher programs.
To effectively oppose private school voucher programs, these toolkits and guides provide detailed information on a wide array of topics about the ways vouchers undermine public schools and impact our communities.
You’ll find valuable guidance on constructing arguments and rapid response strategies, addressing issues such as cost impact analysis, accessibility, and the importance of maintaining accountability in education.
School voucher programs and their many iterations (education savings accounts, tax credits, etc.) drain funds from public schools while disproportionately harming Black and Brown students from low-income backgrounds and students with disabilities. This toolkit provides the resources and information communities need to launch effective advocacy campaigns against school voucher programs in their state.
Public Funds Public Schools has created an interactive research tool designed to inform and assist advocates in the fight against vouchers. The tool provides 2021-22 data on the numbers, geographical location (city, suburb, rural), and composition (race, income) of public and private school student populations in the states. It also shows the percentage of students attending religious schools and racially segregated schools.
The Education Choice for Children program is a voucher proposal that would redirect $10 billion per year of federal taxpayer dollars to fund private school vouchers. Individuals and corporations would receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for donating to scholarship granting organizations (SGOs) that provide private school vouchers to students. This proposal has been introduced in Congress as the “Education Choice for Children Act.” There are a number of flaws with this legislation.
Pastors for Texas Children developed this one-pager with anti-voucher arguments.
Texas Governor Abbott called a special legislative session in October 2023 to press legislators to establish Texas’ first-ever private school voucher program, funded by all Texas taxpayers. Instead, Texas needs to invest in public schools that serve 5.4 million students and their families. The proposed voucher program would cost $500 million. Get resources here to help Texas say no to vouchers!
The Network for Public Education Toolkit: School Privatization Explained was first created in 2017 to alert the general public regarding the various forms that privatization takes and the consequences associated with each. We’ve updated the toolkit to ensure the information is up-to-date. This toolkit presents evidence of what we already know about charters, vouchers and other forms of privatization. It is organized around key questions, providing answers in clear language to the questions we at NPE are most often asked.
Opponents of public schools have pushed forward with another attack on children’s freedom to learn. This time, some elected officials are threatening to rip funds from students via school voucher programs to bankroll private schools for the wealthy and hide their refusal to fully fund public schools and ensure that every child from the big cities to small towns has a neighborhood school where they can learn, grow and thrive.
This toolkit includes talking points and fact sheets from anti-voucher arguments to the imperative of faith/school leader partnership.
This toolkit is designed as a resource to help legislators and pro-public education advocates oppose attempts to create new or expand existing private school voucher programs.
In recent years, a network of anti-public-education politicians and lobbying groups has been emboldened in its push for private school vouchers. Billionaires like the DeVoses, including former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Kochs, and the Waltons are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on these campaigns. These funders are using their war chests to lobby for voucher bills in state legislatures, contribute to the political campaigns of pro-voucher candidates, and seed astroturf petition drives to put vouchers on the ballot.